Computer Facts

 Computer Facts You Probably Don’t Know

Computers are a critical part of our daily lives. By now, you probably know a computer is an incredible machine, but did you know just how amazing? Here’s a list of the top 7 computer facts you might not know:

  • The first computer mouse was built in 1964 and was made of Wood. It was designed by engineer Douglas Engelbart and had the shape of a slightly bulky box.

  • The First Known Computer Programmer was a Woman. Her name was Ada Lovelace.She is famous for working on the Analytical Engine.

  • Hackers Write About 6,000 New Viruses Each Month.

  • The First Gigabyte Drive Cost $40,000It was released in 1980 and weighed 550 lbs.

  • Some of the Biggest Computer Brands Started in Garages

    This is true for Apple, Microsoft, and HP.

  • The First Computer Weighed More Than 27 Tons.

  • CAPTCHA: CAPTCHA is a test that is used to separate humans and machines. CAPTCHA stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart." It is normally an image test or a simple math problem that a human can read or solve, but a computer cannot.


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